All entries of this event
23rd Legend Open
Categories Entries  Waiting List Clubs Nations
1. Male team kumite, 8th kyu to Black belt, 3 men team plus 1 reserve 3 3 1
10A. Children individual kata, brown belt, under 11 years, female 6 3 1
10B. Children individual kata, brown belt, under 11 years, male 12 8 3
11. Junior individual kata, 8th to 4th kyu 23 9 3
12A. Junior individual kata, black belt, shodan only 14 7 4
12B. Junior individual kata, black belt, nidan and above 6 4 2
12C. JUNIOR INDIVIDUAL KATA, Brown belt 24 14 4
13A. Children kihon ippon kumite, jodan, chudan, mae geri, 4th to 5th kyu 6 4 2
13B. Children sanbon kumite, jodan,chudan,maegeri, 6th kyu only 8 3 3
13C. Children sanbon kumite, jodan,chudan,maegeri, 8th to 7th kyu 13 5 3
14.B Children jiyu ippon kumite, jodan, chudan, mae geri, yoko geri kekomi, brown belt - female 4 2 1
14.C Children jiyu ippon kumite, jodan, chudan, mae geri, yoko geri kekomi, brown belt - male 7 5 3
15. Boys 12-13, kumite, 8th to 4th kyu, under 152cm, 5ft 3 3 2
16. Boys 12-13, kumite, Brown and Black belt, under 152cm, 5ft 4 3 2
17. Boys 12-13, kumite, 8th to 4th kyu, over 152cm, 5ft 4 4 3
18. Boys 12-13, kumite, Brown and Black belt, over152cm, 5ft 10 5 2
2. Female team kumite, 8th kyu to Black belt, 3 women team plus 1 reserve 2 2 1
20. Boys 14-15, kumite, 8th to 4th kyu, 165cm and under, 5ft 5 2 2 1
21. Boys 14-15, kumite, 8th to 4th kyu, over 165cm, 5ft 5 2 2 1
22A. Boys junior kumite, Brown and black belt, 165cm and under, 5ft 5 2 2 2
22B. Boys junior kumite, Brown and black belt, over 165cm, 5ft 5 13 8 2
24. Girls junior kumite, 8th to 4th kyu, 160cm and over, 5ft 3 2 2 1
25. Girls junior kumite, Brown and Black belt, under 160cm, 5ft 3 2 2 1
26. Girls junior kumite, Brown and Black belt, 160cm and over, 5ft 3 7 6 3
27. Cadet individual kata, 8th to 4th kyu 5 3 2
28A. Cadet individual kata, brown and black belt, shodan and below 13 11 3
28B. Cadet individual kata, black belt, nidan and above 10 8 2
29. Male cadet kumite, 8th to 4th kyu 5 4 2
3. Adult mixed team kumite, 8th kyu to Black belt, 2 male+1 female team plus 1 male + 1 female reserve 4 4 2
30. Male cadet kumite, Brown and Black belt 17 11 2
32. Female cadet kumite, Brown and Black belt 8 7 2
33. Male senior individual kata, 8th to 4th kyu 5 3 1
34. Male senior individual kata, Brown and Black belt 20 10 3
35. Male senior kumite, 8th to 4th kyu 5 3 1
36. Male senior kumite, Brown and Black belt 16 8 2
37. Female senior individual kata, 8th to 4th kyu 10 4 2
38. Female senior individual kata, Brown and Black belt 15 10 2
39. Female senior kumite, 8th to 4th kyu 7 3 2
4. Male team kata, 8th kyu to Black belt 4 4 2
40. Female senior kumite, Brown and Black belt 6 5 2
41. Veterans individual kata men 12 9 2
42. Veterans individual kumite men 8 7 2
43. Veterans individual kata women 8 7 2
44. Veterans kumite women 6 5 2
45. Junior boys team kumite 3 3 2
5. Female team kata, 8th kyu to Black belt 5 4 2
6. Junior mixed team kata, 8th kyu to 4th kyu 7 5 2
6A. Junior boys team kata, 8th kyu to 4th kyu 5 4 2
6B. Junior girls team kata, 8th kyu to 4th kyu 2 2 2
7. Junior mixed team kata, Brown and Black belt 3 3 2
7A. Junior boys team kata, Brown and Black belt 3 3 2
7B. Junior girls team kata, Brown and Black belt 2 2 1
8. SENIOR MIXED TEAM KATA 8th Kyu to Black belt 7 4 2
9A. Children individual kata, 4th to 5th kyu 9 7 2
9B. Children individual kata, 6th kyu only 16 7 3
9C. Children individual kata, 8th to 7th kyu 19 9 3
Categories: 56        Total entries: 444        Total athletes: 250
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