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EKF Kyu Grade, Childrens and Veterans Championships 2025
Categories Entries  Waiting List Clubs Nations
02. 7 yrs and Under Male Kata 1 6 1 1
03. 8-9 yrs Female Kata 7th Kyu and Below 3 3 2 1
04. 8-9 yrs Male Kata 7th Kyu and Below 1 1 1 1
05. 8-9 yrs Female Kata 6th to 4th Kyu 2 7 2 1
06. 8-9 yrs Male Kata 6th to 4th Kyu 3 7 1 1
08. 8-9 yrs Male Kata 3rd Kyu & Above 1 3 1 1
11. 10-11 yrs Female Kata 6th to 4th Kyu 5 5 3 1
12. 10-11 yrs Male Kata 6th to 4th Kyu 4 8 3 1
14. 10-11 yrs Male Kata 3rd Kyu & Above 1 4 1 1
15. Veteran Female Kata 4th Kyu and below 1 4 1 1
16. Male Veteran Kata 4th Kyu and Below 1 4 1 1
17. Female Veteran Kata 3rd Kyu+ 1 3 1 1
18. Veteran Male Kata 3rd Kyu+ 3 2 2 1
25. 9 yrs & Below Pairs Kata 1 8 1 1
27. 10-11 yrs Pairs Kata 1 5 1 1
28. 10 - 11 Yrs Team Kata 1 2 1 1
32. Female 8-9 yrs 6th kyu and below 30kg+ 2 4 1 1
33. Female 8-9 yrs 5th kyu and above -30kg 1 7 1 1
34. Female 8-9 yrs 5th kyu and above 30kg+ 1 6 1 1
35. Male 8-9 yrs 6th kyu and below -35kg 1 5 1 1
37. Male 8-9 yrs 5th kyu and above -35kg 3 7 1 1
38. Male 8-9 yrs 5th kyu and above 35kg+ 2 4 1 1
39. Female 10-11 yrs 4th kyu and below -35kg 3 4 1 1
40. Female 10-11 yrs 4th kyu and below 35kg+ 2 5 2 1
41. Female 10-11 yrs 3rd kyu and above -35kg 1 3 1 1
42. Female 10-11 yrs 3rd kyu and above 35kg+ 1 10 1 1
43. Male 10-11 yrs 4th kyu and below -40kg 1 5 1 1
44. Male 10-11 yrs 4th kyu and below 40kg+ 2 4 2 1
45. Male 10-11 yrs 4th kyu and above -40kg 2 5 1 1
46. Male 10-11 yrs 4th kyu and above 40kg+ 2 6 2 1
47. Female Veteran 4th kyu and below Kumite 1 2 1 1
49. Female Veteran 3rd kyu and above Kumite 1 1 1 1
81. Continuous Sparring 8 to 9 yrs over 4ft 3in 4 5 1 1
82. Continuous Sparring 10 to 11 yrs under 4ft 8in 3 1 2 1
84. Continuous Sparring 10 to 11 yrs over 4ft 8in 1 1 1 1
89. Kickmaster Style 8 to 9 yrs 5 19 2 1
901. 12-13 Female Kata 4th Kyu and Below 2 5 1 1
902. 12-13 Male Kata 4th Kyu and Below 1 1 1 1
903. 12-13 Female Kata 3rd Kyu+ 1 4 1 1
905. 14-15 Cadet Female Kata 4th Kyu and Below 1 3 1 1
907. 14-15 Cadet Female Kata 3rd Kyu+ 1 4 1 1
908. 14-15 Cadet Male Kata 3rd Kyu+ 1 1 1 1
913. 18+ Senior Female Kata 4th Kyu and Below 1 4 1 1
914. 18+ Senior Male Kata 4th Kyu and Below 1 3 1 1
916. 18+ Senior Male Kata 3rd Kyu + 1 1 1 1
922. 12-13 Female Kumite 4th Kyu and Below 1 5 1 1
923. 12-13 Female Kumite 3rd Kyu+ -47kg 3 2 2 1
924. 12-13 Female Kumite 3rd Kyu+ 47kg+ 4 6 3 1
927. 12-13 male Kumite 3rd Kyu+ 50kg+ 1 2 1 1
930. 14-15 Cadet Female Kumite 3rd Kyu+ 54kg+ 1 2 1 1
941. 18+ Senior Female Kumite 3rd Kyu+ -61kg 1 1 1
943. 18+ Senior Male Kumite 4th Kyu and below 1 1 1 1
Categories: 52        Total entries: 91        Total athletes: 60
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