Categories Entries  Waiting List Clubs Nations
Bambini 6-7 M+F Arancio-Verde 3 1 1
Bambini 6-7 M+F gialla 9 5 1
Cadets 14-15 Kata F1 Gialle-arancio 2 2 1
Cadets 14-15 Kata F2 Verde-blu 2 2 1
Cadets 14-15 Kata F3 Marrone-nere 3 2 1
Cadets 14-15 Kata M1 Gialle-arancio 5 3 1
Cadets 14-15 Kata M2 Verde-blu 2 2 1
Cadets 14-15 Kata M3 Marrone-nere 1 1 1
Cadets 14-15 kumite M -52kg 3 3 1
Cadets 14-15 kumite M -57kg 2 2 1
Cadets 14-15 kumite M -63kg 3 3 1
Cadets 14-15 kumite M -70kg 2 2 1
Cadetti 14-15 Kumite F +54 Kg 2 2 1
Cadetti 14-15 Kumite F -47 Kg 6 3 1
Cadetti 14-15 Kumite F -54 Kg 2 2 1
Fanciulli 8-9 M+F Arancio-Verde 14 3 1
Fanciulli 8-9 M+F Blu-Marrone 1 1 1
Fanciulli 8-9 M+F Gialla 32 12 1
Juniores 16-17 Kata F1 Gialle-arancio 2 1 1
Juniores 16-17 Kata F3 Marrone-nere 6 3 1
Juniores 16-17 Kata M2 Verde-blu 2 2 1
Juniores 16-17 Kata M3 Marrone-nere 4 2 1
Juniores 16-17 Kumite F -53kg 2 2 1
Juniores 16-17 Kumite F -59kg 2 1 1
Juniores 16-17 Kumite M -61 Kg 1 1 1
Juniores 16-17 Kumite M -68 Kg 2 2 1
Juniores 16-17 Kumite M -76 Kg 3 3 1
Master Open 36- 45 Kata F 1 1 1
Master Open Over 45 Kata F 2 1 1
Ragazzi 10-11 M+F Arancio-Verde 14 3 1
Ragazzi 10-11 M+F Gialla 23 10 1
Seniores 21-35 kumite F -61kg 1 1 1
Seniores 21-35 kumite M -75 kg 1 1 1
Seniores 21-35 kumite M -84 kg 1 1 1
Seniores Open 21- 35 Kata F 1 1 1
Seniores Open 21-35 Kata M 3 2 1
Under 12 Kata F Blu-Marrone 1 1 1
Under 12 Kata M Blu-Marrone 1 1 1
Under 12 Kumite F -30 Kg 2 2 1
Under 12 Kumite F -35 Kg 1 1 1
Under 12 Kumite F -40 Kg 3 1 1
Under 12 Kumite M -30Kg 3 2 1
Under 12 Kumite M -35 kg 6 4 1
Under 12 Kumite M -40Kg 4 4 1
Under 12 Kumite M -45Kg 3 1 1
Under 14 Kata F1 Gialla-Arancio 2 2 1
Under 14 Kata F2 Verde-Blu 1 1 1
Under 14 Kata F3 Marrone-Nera 1 1 1
Under 14 Kata M1 Gialla-Arancio 8 6 1
Under 14 Kata M2 Verde-Blu 2 2 1
Entries 203
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